Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Just wanted you all to know that you have great resource at your local school co-op. A few years ago when I was in a long-term sub position in a 3rd grade class, I was not comfortable with their new growing with math program, so I called the local co-op and they sent a specialist out who taught my math for a day, and showed me how the program worked. I was much more comfortable after that. They also have a plethora of book, movie, literature units, and much more! Just a call away, I know ours delivers to us on Thursdays and we just have it ready to return when we are finished with what ever it is.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

More Room Pics

Students working on homecoming posters,
and then students working on their next speech "how to" the are so excited, yeah right!


These are some of my students working on bell work as the class begins.
This is my "the places we will go" board, it has a calender with important assignments on it, and also anytime the school or town is in the paper I cut it out and post in here.

You cannot see them very well but these are stories my students wrote and then illustrated.

This is me, a math teacher and two English teachers, we were saying "BOOOO" to drugs on Halloween.

These are Totem poles, we decided what qualities our family, friends, future career, and self poses, then we researched animals and what each one stood for. Then we created Totem poles to share with the class as a get to know me thing.

Students need help

I have a student who is really pretty and really sweet, she was voted homecoming maid, and her mom said she was not taking her to get a dress. I do not know if it is a money thing or what, but I got out a poofy prom dress of mine and took it up there on the off chance she might like, and she did. It also fit her perfect without any alterations. So I was talking to her today about make-up and hair, mom is not checking her out to get it done like all the other girls, so during my lunch she is going to come to my class and I am going to play dress up and fix her hair and make-up. n I like to help others, it gives me joy.

On another note, about another girl, there is one girl who is sweet, smart, pretty, and is now dating someone she shouldn't. They are getting really too affectionate in school and parents have been called by the principal. but, things do not seem to be improving. I am trying to decide if I should call mom since I have met her about three times this year.

Oh the things we do for our students!

Book Review

I had my students read Of Mice and Men by John Stienbeck. Since I had not read it in a long time and since it is always good to do what you have your students do, I read it again. Watching the students eyes open to this book was an amazing experience for me. The story is about George and Lennie, friends who travel as migrant workers around the time of the great depression. George tries to keep Lennie out of trouble, because Lennie was mentally handicapped, that proves to be a difficult task for George. Through the book you understand how much they have been through and you can also see evidence of that fact that John Stienbeck believes you can never rise above what you are born into. As they travel Lennie gets into trouble and they move on to stay out of serious trouble. When finally they are in a new town when Lennie does the unthinkable, which leads George to a major delima, to see how he handles you will have to read the book.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It never fails!

This is not so much about what I have learned that will help me in the classroom, but in relation to the rest of the job. Just like in a church there are those who are never happy, can never just do as they are asked, they always have something to complain about. They do not like the kids, they do not like what administration is doing to try and better the school, all they want to do is gripe, and can never see that they are sometimes the burden. They try to keep others down! So, I have learned to keep to myself, stay in my room and avoid the teachers lounge at all cost. I even use the student restrooms.