Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Students need help

I have a student who is really pretty and really sweet, she was voted homecoming maid, and her mom said she was not taking her to get a dress. I do not know if it is a money thing or what, but I got out a poofy prom dress of mine and took it up there on the off chance she might like, and she did. It also fit her perfect without any alterations. So I was talking to her today about make-up and hair, mom is not checking her out to get it done like all the other girls, so during my lunch she is going to come to my class and I am going to play dress up and fix her hair and make-up. n I like to help others, it gives me joy.

On another note, about another girl, there is one girl who is sweet, smart, pretty, and is now dating someone she shouldn't. They are getting really too affectionate in school and parents have been called by the principal. but, things do not seem to be improving. I am trying to decide if I should call mom since I have met her about three times this year.

Oh the things we do for our students!

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